i believe deputy superintendant guerrero has an item. >> we have an opportunity this evening to hear the awareness and john burke accompanying her. i think we have a powerpoint. >> good evening everyone. this is to present to you about the new state test that is coming out this year. this is the new test in the state assess many system. it's called the smart balance assessment consortium. usually called the s back. this is the field test for this assessment. so the field test is really a test of the test where the publisher is testing the items to finalize the test. the advantages are that we'll have the experience and the schools will have the experience of the test and will get practice. disadvantages, there will be no results that will be in occurred from this test -- incurred from this test. our presentation tonight is around five areas. one is the smart balance assessment, who, what and when we'll take this field test. the content and format of the test and how is it aligned to an informative assessment and the plan for the implementation and lastly communication and feedback. i