the beam connections, they're bolted -- suppliplice connecti and also the butt stake slab is up to 14 inches thick, so it's actually a very thick element within the structure. so what we did was we bounded the structure. and the conclusions for this, as i said, the girders were actually pretty stiff. the cracks we're estimating about three-quarters of an inch. the code allows for life load deflection of 360, so this was much less than what the girder was designed to deflect under full loads. the fact that the deflection is low is reinforced by the observations. there's been no noted damage to finishes within the facility, and also, when we installed the shoring, and we jacked the shoring up, measurements were made of the amount that it was jacked, and it was actually a pretty small amount, so we think this was pretty consistent of what we've seen in the field. from this, we've -- the amount of load that was sheared after cracking we think was somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 to 10%, so it's not a huge load. the other thing is the hangar load's reduced slightly after cracking. and th