added to this report to this list of crimes, they've added a, they're going to ask the supreme court brazil supreme court to ban avo, coronado from social media. and social media is important for bull sonata. we must remember, he was elected using social media much like our president, donald trump. he is a big user of social media. so this is what was new to day a won't spose laura. so your response to these crimes alleged crimes? well, he says he's innocent. he says, this is a political ah, ah, that this whole investigation was moved for political reasons. and on october next year there will be presidential elections. and he says, this is, you know, everybody's trying, the opposition is trying to stop him from being reelected. he already said that only god will og take him down from the presidency. so and he's, he's basically said that he did nothing wrong. and his son even was one of the 11 senators that are in this panel. and who, of course, as opposed to the report, his son, when the reporter said, what will the reaction of your father b heath? he said, well, you know how my father laughs. he laughs.