. >> good morning, suprvisor. joanne, chief of the sf fire department. i am speaking in favor of the aditionaditional resources we my need. we respond to approximately 110,000 calls per year, 35% fire related. the medical calls that we respond to oftentimes, this is a crisis situation, an auto accident, or the sudden death of a child or adult. we provide medical services to treat the person and typically will be transporting. what i see is the services afterward for the family members, that what we do is transport. with a summary of what we're doing. we have one of the nine receiving hospitals. it is so familiar with san francisco crisis care. we have the model in other cities. my colleagues, at the department of emergency management, and the police department, i am trying to get a meeting with them. this is totally different in a crime scene. we hope to continue this. the memorandum of understanding has been dropped, and i believe the deputy city attorney has reviewed this. we will have barbara garcia, but as a very good job as a work with the police de