they had religion to authorize and justify that strangely enough you want to date if the scientists suresh fatty white america guys are mad it isn't shufflers. below us we can see the whole of the public campus of berkeley the university of california berkeley and we're standing at a boundary where that campus meets the private and military part of the research machine this is a big research machine one side of it has public the other side is private corporate and military so that in closing of the knowledge that used to be public and becomes private or becomes corporate or becomes militarized secret that enclosure of knowledge is something that i consider to be very damaging for the movement of science and the movement of knowledge so it is a very strong battle that is happening here and in other places in the world to try and protect that they versity of knowledge that diversity of culture. the latest development in this battle has been the arrival here on this campus of b.p. british petroleum. who would like to be called beyond petroleum b.p. came here offering five hundred million doll