>> i'm going to call names, gym [inaudible] james [inaudible] luatonia william, tom comprawno, surgeio vargs. trustee wizo >> thank you supervisor mar. i just got here and had an apountment earlier. i appreciate you holding this had hearing. i think it is important for people to be able to get out and comment like this at a time when we don't really have a functioning board of trustees at city college and don't get our powers back authority until july and we don't have committees yet. we don't any committees. there is no forum for us to talk about issues like this. i do appreciate it. there is one issue i want to bring forward and that is-has to do with undocumented students. a lot of our undocumented student don't meet the ab 540 requirement for in state tuition so they have to pay out of state tuition and this was a issue that supervisor or did a bit of work on and he was able to get a fund establishes for our undocumented students by the city that would help them enroll. the problem is that our enrollment process now that was instituted it isn't allowing people to enroll until they can pa