district party committee in the territory a partisan detachment was organized in the surush districts minai filippovich shmarev, it was he who was entrusted with the organization of this first... partisan detachment in our territory in the vitebsk region, due to the fact that he already had extensive combat experience during the first world war, the civil war, during the years of the fight against banditry , and since he headed one of the largest cardboard factories on the territory of the bssr, that is, he was also a party man, here at this moment, minai shmarev organizes a partisan detachment of 25 people from the work of the factory, already in tenths around july, the detachment goes completely into the forests. the detachment carried out its first combat operation on july 25 in the area of the samokhvalikha farmstead. on the banks of the turovka river, partisan reconnaissance discovered an enemy unit. the germans were relaxing on the river. the open fire on the enemy was so sudden that the enemy was unable to find his bearings and provide organized resistance. the battle was fa