martin luther king and malcolm x, and feminist activism with women like elizabeth cady stanton, susan b anthony, betty friedan and gloria steinem, such activism needs to be disentangle to form these gendered and racialized expectations. black women you, can kind of see them in the background in that picture, right? black women, especially the rioters, here making significant efforts that were just as important, and their story helps balance and often male centered, white centered narrative. we will begin our story with pauli murray, the first of the five to be born in 1910. she plays a major role in our story here. both because of the long history of her activism, and because of the range of it, both before and after world war ii. can we do will include our top. she dug most recently in 2015. anna pauline pauli murray was born in baltimore, and our friend when she was four. and she was raised by her aunts and grandparents interim, north carolina. pauli and, she would later call herself, would later promote women's rights and black peoples rights and was instrumental in changing laws for by the.