. >> and still ahead at 4:00 another controversy for the susan bkomen foundation. researchers accusing researchers of misleading women about mammogram autos and court documents reveal prototypes rejected by apple. >> and we'll be there to answer them, you can contact michael on twitter and facebook.com. >> and we come up on friday, taking a look at skyway haiding down to the peninsula, there is still friday and people heading out of the city. kú >>> this afternoon, susan gkomen foundation is facing a controversy over mammogram screening statistics and saying 98% of women survive five years after being diagnosed earlly and 23% do not if the cancer found too late. this authors say komen ignores women who are misdiagnosed who undergo unnecessary surgery. >> a onion producer recalled it's products for possible listeria contamination from gill's onions. including diced onions, trader joe's recalled their popular barbecue chicken salad because the on yinz come from gill's. >> there is evidence that suggests getting your kids physically active could translate to better gr