. >> i'm sorry, deputy city attorney susan cleveland knowles, just to correct one thing mr. adams just said, the current code does not provides that if you are doing a tax-exempt project you are not subject to the inclusionary housing program at all. the ordinance that you will hear in your next item puts the tax exemption projects back within the rubric and provides an exemption to what mr. adams stated. gemly you are not allowed to use subsidized units for your inclusionary units unless you are a california debt limit allocation project using 4% credits. so that will be in your next all right, but it's also reflected in this new procedures manual. so it's a small technicality, but for some projects, you will be able to have a slight subsidy, but you have to provide more units at deeper affordable. >> commissioner borden? >> i wanted to thank you -- i was one of the commissioners who asked for a lot of this data and i do hope that you work more around the issue that you talk you ed about. it seems like that fica score issue would be a problem and i understand it could be a