susan curlaln the principal, had taken the school on two years before we had talked in the door. en susan took the school on, the decade before susan got there, there had been ten different administrators -- i mean eight different administrators in the course of a decade. right before she got on, in fact, they had hired two principals to get the school under control. it really was one of those morgan freeman kind of places. susan had done a tremendous amount of work to get this school really on the up and up and create order and really do a great job. however, even though the school was sort of on the upswing, she was not able to convince the neighborhood to go to school there. and that's a very complicated proposition. how do you do that, right? can't just put a sign out and say, neddlehurst, really junky, look again. so that's complicated. when we walked in the door, i think by most people's standards, it was a fairly well-run decent chicago public school. this was not a train wreck. it really wasn't. most people would say it was okay. but it certainly was not at the caliber whe