we received a lot of questions about this and this time we're joined by newshour regular susan dentzersan, there's widespread either misunderstanding or confusion about what this is going to mean, even among people who are already insured, they think something is coming to change their lives. we got questions like this one. >> my name is burton ask i'm from odenton, maryland, and my question for the affordable care act is: will the premiums go up for those who currently have health insurance and if so how much? >> do we even know that yet? >> well, if you have health insurance through your employer, your health insurance is probably only going to be affected by all of the normal things that affect health insurance premiums like the fact that health care costs are rising and even though they're not rising as fast now as they were several years ago, they're still going up 4 percent or more a year. so generally speaking for everybody health insurance premium restining to rise. for people buying coverage through the exchanges or the -- as they're officially called the marketplaces, the pre