i'm susan gibbons. i grew up on the leavenworth st., hill. a short walk i have a dicey walk sometimes to the proposed pickle cannabis dispensary on market street. during a recent oncology consults it was a discussion of cannabis-based combo mentoring medicine. my doctor shared with me his preference for medical cannabis, mentoring medicine and the kinds of places that he directed his patients two. he spoke about dispensaries that were uniquely stocked, as the previous speaker said, things that maybe did not fly off the shelf, but that serious ill people need it. he spoke about a family and a safe and knowledge-based location. his preference could have been a description of the existing barbary coast dispensary. one which is willing to stock items that as i say, seriously ill people rely upon regardless of popularity. over five decades of walking down that leavenworth street 02 the fifth and mission area have revealed a notable change in the cleanliness and safety of the area since the existing barbary coast dispensary opened for positive chan