host: we have an argument from susan goldman along the same lines.hereas the competition been for 40 years? guest: that was part of my campaign was to reform health care. and everybody knows it is broken endeavour one knows it is not affordable. -- and everyone knows it is not affordable. the shot that she took of ronald reagan, if you look it up, you will see that when he took office in 1981, unemployment was in double digits, interest rates for a 21% and inflation was double digits as well because of the excesses of the previous years. we went through some tough times and then went to the longest time of economic growth in the history of our country. i'm very proud of the record that ronald reagan had, not to mention winning the cold war without firing a shot. we want to give every met -- every family refundable tax credit so they can go across state lines, which they cannot now, and shop around for the health insurance that they need and want to take care of their family. according to the statistics that i have, a $5,000 refundable tax credit woul