. >> okay, hansen lee, sheryl mccare, and ed donaldson, susan harmon. >> my name is ed donaldson and i would like to describe myself as a recovered counselor and i think that what the finance team here said that what olsen lee said as well, it really speaks to the fact that the banks will be pissed off if we do this and not expressing me concern for the home owners, and the other thing that was not expressed was the apthy that is coming out of the mayor's office and has been coming out of the mayor's office of housing in regard to the 4500 homes or over that have been lost to foreclosure, 25 percent at best, of home ener whose go into default will get a loan modification, half of those people will redefault and so in essence, 87 percent of the people who go into default will not get a loan modification. who are some of the people? the folks that are sitting here tonight, many of which i have worked with in the context of the fsdac when i was there and also in the context of ace and i have seen the seniors, 92-year-old gentleman who just recently passed away. i am on the phone with th