when we asked susan jacobs, the state department's special ambassador on children's affairs, about the we were surprised to find out michael shannon is not alone. in this specific case, michael shannon has not even seen a photograph of his children in 12 years. >> i mean, and this is true in other of the 22 cases. i'm not going to speak about a specific case, but all of these cases are very sad, horrible cases where one of the parents has been deprived of their children for long periods of time. >> reporter: is there no way we can't say to egypt you want $3 billion a year for your military, give us back these 22 kids that are american citizens. >> well, i would argue that we have a very complex relationship with egypt that goes beyond military aid. we are trying to work with egypt's government as they transition to democracy to encourage all kinds of new practices, but i don't think we're going to just say, you know, we're through with you if you don't do this one thing. >> anderson, michael shannon says he's been hearing excuses for one reason or another since 2001. his boys, who were