dbi twice created false complaints after valid complaints were filed against susan mccormick. taylor. building permits once for a foundation repair permit and a second time for a bedroom and bath remodel permit. dbi also improperly closed two complaints for submitting building permits, with plans that misrepresent the number and location of the existing ground floor garage windows. this table is from the building code, and it shows the period of time that's allowed for a building permit before it expires. based on the value of the permit. a foundation repair permit complaint was opened 78 days ago. it should have been closed. senior inspector mauricio hernandez approved a foundation special inspection 404 days after the foundation repair permit was null and void, and the foundation special inspection was approved without a final affidavit from the architect. the complaint is being researched by inspector gilbert lamb. a second foundation repair complaint was opened one month after the first complaint. the second complaint was opened by inspector sanders, who received the first