susan mcdougall, when i told her and showed her the notes from dr. clark, he was told after mcdukal's death by a prison official that jim mcdougall was never going to be parolled, she just, you know, almost lost her composure and said that explains it. this is, you know, jim died because he lost the hope that that was the only thing keeping him alive but there were other factors coming into it. i believe that until those -- that final month everyone expected that jim mcdougall would be parolled. >> let's talk about susan mcdougall, completely different story related to her husband, obviously, jim mcdougall. she played really an interesting role again as back drop to the impeachment and the washington, d.c. story. tell us about her. in relationship with president clinton. >> well, very colorful character. very likable and interesting person. in the book, as you know, and as politico reported first, i report categorically that there was an affair between susan mcdougall and the president, at some point during his governor years. i believe it was brief.