there are a lot of women that figure into this story, not just monica lewinsky but paula jones, susan mcdougal, and the women are always portrayed in this one dimensional way. i wanted them to be portrayed as full, complex people and not caricatures as we see them now. >> nbc news digital political reporter jonathan allen, the author of "shattered -- inside hillary clinton's doomed campaign." i should note that you are working, you are in florida where the vote count is going on, but i wanted to talk to you because you've covered hillary clinton. you've followed hillary clinton. obviously wrote the book on hillary clinton and now with the 20-year anniversary, all of this is coming up again. what is the enduring fascination, do you think, with this relationship between bill clinton, monica lewinsky and, by extension, hillary clinton? >> well, you're right. i'm near the palm beach county election center, essentially where they're recounting ballots. it feels like rets rro day here msnbc. if we can't remember our history, we're doomed to repeat it between the ballot counting and the clinton scand