i'm actually going to read the testimony from susan missner, the director of the aclu's disability rights program, because she wasn't able to make it today. i want to be clear that the -- sorry -- start over. thank you for taking my testimony remotely. i want to be clear the expensive case management and the relationship-building that was described earlier, as part of how assisted outpatient treatment is successful, is a key fact here. we know that relationship-building is key. we know that patient and persistent outreach is what it most affective to get people stabilized and off the streets. a harm reduction approach gets people stabilized. we know that. why are we not trying it first? it should be in place for a full year, before we have decided that another approach is needed. our laws require that conservatorship be the least restrictive option. would you not use what are known as effective approaches for voluntary treatment before we use coercive treatment, than we're not using the least restrictive approach. we should be clear that forced treatment on people is not new and innovativ