well, he managed to get some dinners out of it with susan pang, and that was ca, president she to on the friend her b. r points at a time when he's around the country. but the photography that came out of this visit wasn't all good for macros. p r or vander lines. there was, for example, a shot of the 3 leaders sitting at a table that was so massive that it looked like michael and vander, line weren't even in the same postal code as the chinese leader or with each other . for that matter, like he had found a way for them to meet with him in china while not leaving their respective european countries. pretty glaring contrast from she's visit recently with russian president vladimir putin. so mac hall demanded during this visit that china tell russia what to do in ukraine, which went about as well as one might expect. it was ship, it was going to show, may know it can count on you to bring russia to its census. and every one to the negotiating table, strong to ensure she is full talk should be resumed as soon as possible. the international community should work for a political settleme