susan philip. i'm the health officer for san francisco and the director of our population health division here at d h. and i'm very pleased to be here to give this commission an update on h5n1 and represent the work of a really expert multidisciplinary team from across the department who's being led as senior semi by dr. seema jain who's our deputy health officer and deputy director for public health services. >> next slide please. >> so as a top line, the current situation with avian influenza h5n1 is that as of february 26th there have been 70 confirmed cases in humans in the united states. more than half of these 3838 have been in california. >> almost all of them in dairy workers. one case has been in san francisco. we'll be talking about that in a little more depth to give you some information. >> so far almost all of the u.s. cases reported have had mild illness. however, there have been four hospitalizations and one death reported in louisiana. >> in terms of detections in animals in the uni