relies on our foremothers like judith blume, nora roberts beverly jenkins, lisa capers, susan elizabeth phillips, jackie collins. nalini singh. listen we could go on and on tonight, listing the names of impressive women who have come before us and have built romance into what it is, which is a foundational pillar of publishing yes. at the heart of romance is our promise to the reader that at the end we will deliver a happily ever after, and also kissing at least kissing of that happily ever after includes self discovery, joy, expression acceptance and pleasure. but wrapped in all of that is the scaffold of a stable and supportive, which is precisely what it has us happily ever after. but our case without the kissing. yes, romance novels tell, readers that they matter, their dreams matter, their needs matter, their preference choices matter, their mental health, their bodies matter. and these messages are reinforced by the romance community itself, because we take our job as a fast moving and culturally visible genre very seriously and you know, romance is often looked at as a genre of fluff and