susan rice, and much on their minds was this question of could the united states senate rise, would the united states senate accomplish this important goal which has meaning, not just to us but to them, because they have joined with us in resolution 1929 in order to put pressure on iran and not to mention the long-term efforts that we have made with respect to north korea. so what we do here is not -- is going to be an expression of our opportunity, of our ability to be able to provide leadership to the american people. let me clarify one thing at the outset of this discussion. we have enough time to do this treaty. to anybody who wants to come out here and claim, oh, no, we don't have time, we can't do it, it's right before christmas and so forth, let me just make it -- let me just remind people, the original start agreement which was passed back in 1992 was a far more dramatic treaty than the new start. the original start treaty was formulated in the -- in the aftermath of the demise of the soviet union. there was huge uncertainty in russia at that point in time. the soviet union had