i also want to recognize, i really appreciate susan soloman's comments, we have so many hard-working education workers, but my heart goes out to the para educators. i had positive experience with para educators. i co-taught a class with a para educator. that wouldn't be been possible without our relationship and that we worked as a team. i wanted to pull out from this report it states that some interviews indicated that regularly teachers are being pulled from their regular duties to act as substitute teachers. that's heart-breaking to me. they should be there for those with the most need and not the general ed teams. those are the teachers that are kind of the most overloaded are pinch-hitting for other educators. then it said several -- and then also we see a shortage of para educators. it states administration at sites that had had less para educator turnover increased their retention rate. there i see an opportunity, because as i mentioned i had a really great rapport with my para educator. i shared my lesson plans with her and she told me and we worked professionally as a team a