susan solomon also brought this up which is a lot of what we thought we could do with this resolution is to give to see where the gaps where and where the needs were and there was supposed to be a hand off and identifying that and be smarter about where to put the support in place and you hear a lot about pier 3 now and whether students that have a higher level of need that there is not a hand off there and we don't have an adequate level of support and how we begin to build that out as we feel better about pier one and pbis and how to identify where the needs are around tier 3 and what i hear a lot about and last thing to flag, how do we integrate trauma and formed practices with all of this and how we breakdown which feels to me a little bit like a silo there when we talk about what's happening and pupil services versus what's happening in school health and feeling that in a lot of schools you walk in to say what's going on and the first thing they tell you is we are dealing with so much trauma and with need help and then you talk about safe and supportive schools and it feels to th