doug mcneill, quin kaplin and susan timon. >> welcome. >> hi, my name is hans art and i am a automobile mechanic and i have been running my small business for 43 years at 17th street and mission district. and i like to speak to the north east commission industrial zone that i am in and specifically, there are probably at least three or 400 businesses of different size and different ages from 1880 on. and we all rely to stay in business on having all day parking for our employees. and our employees are predominantly, you know, latino, fairly or highly skilled, depending on the business. and if mta puts in the 2,000 odd meters that they are talking about putting in our area, it is simply going to drive people out of business. you know? one of the first questions that i get asked when i interview a mechanic who wants to come to work for me is where do you park? >> first question. and if we have meters all over the neighborhood i am going to be hard pressed to, you know, make my business attractive to that person. these people by and large can't afford to live in san francisco. so the situa