c.e.o., in charge of nurturing the site's creativity, taming the hate and handling the chaos. >> susan wojcickie 500 hours of video uploaded every single minute to youtube. >> stahl: fi-- say that again. >> wojcicki: so, we have 500 hours of video uploaded every minute to youtube. >> stahl: that is breathtaking. >> wojcicki: it is, it is. we have a lot of video. >> stahl: and a lot of influence on our lives, and how we pass our time. ♪ ♪ over a billion people listen to music on youtube every month. it's the planet's top music site. there's a children's channel with over 44-billion views. ♪ ♪ do you let your children watch youtube, including the young ones? >> wojcicki: so, i allow my younger kids to use youtube kids, but i limit the amount of time that they're on it. i think too much of anything is not a good thing. but there's a lot you can learn on youtube. i think about how youtube in many ways is this global library. you want to see any historical speech, you could see it. you want to be able to learn a language-- >> stahl: make a souffleÉ? >> wojcicki: you wanna laugh, you just wanna see s