lauren hall, michael nolt, edwards and susan wong. >> hello. i'm with supportive housing. we provide property management services mostly to tenants and in your district i believe. i'm here to testify in support of with a will green's. i'm really excite to have this now flagship close to our district. i have worked with tenderloin for six years and one of the big challenges that i see for our tents tenants is a lack of fresh foods in our neighborhood and providing that at an affordable price, i think it's going to be great. many of them shop at walgreen's for day-to-day needs and if you don't have a full kitchen. in terms of dialogue, honestly in my opinion, i don't see adding, i appreciate the effort of taking away one of the licenses. i think they have a chose whether they are going to be a negative, i have seen many proprietyers selling -- i don't see those that have that commitment to the community would create that dialogue. i don't share a belief that it's going to be a negative impact to have alcohol in that store. for myself who spends the majority of my day, i'm ex