really good belt against the very concept of the european society he rebelled against the susannah lucian of culturalism tolerance and complacent the people who killed the marchers martyrs of a new godless religion. how would you explain the outrageous points of view the blogger the journalist in russia a country that fortnight says yeah but this delayed his comment is awful it's. what is what. are you saying you yes there's an editor of the national you that he paid eve printed in the paper this question about quality about professionalism and ethical borders for limits for and for journalism so that's another discussion unfortunately it's a big problem everywhere including this country but what what this those sentiments are reflecting unfortunately. we cannot understand we i mean all europeans including questions we cannot understand yet that the time when homogeneous society has gone forever we will never ever again leave in a society where the majority is certain the region unfortunately and russian public and russian public opinion of the russian journalist as we see absolutely unpr