. >> well, joining us today from the york street project is executive director susanne byrne, education coordinator dominique sherman, and joshalynn wynn, and she's a program participant. thank you all for being with us this afternoon. >> thank you. >> honestly, it is admirable what the york street project does because you attack the issue from all angles. tell us a little bit about the philosophy behind that. >> so, the york street project was founded back in the late '80s by the sisters of st. joseph of peace. they had been ministering and working with the people in jersey city since, really, you know, the early 1900s. and back in the early '70s, they were just seeing that there was and, you know, the sisters -- they worked with families in jersey city and was asking them what their needs were. and, at the time, there was a lot of single mothers. they were dropping out of school at an early age. they didn't have any place to put their kids. they didn't have any place to live. and the sisters asked, "if we could do anything for you, what did you want us to do? what do you want us to do