texas has executed susanne basso wednesday. she was the 14th woman executed in the country since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976. we are continuing our conversation on the death penalty in america, and attorney general, do our legal definitions change over time, that phrase cruel and unusual punishment, reaches out to grab us in the twenty-first century, from 1789, and wondering if the men who wrote and rad fied the constitution would have thought cruel some of the things we do today. >> . >> say certainly when they were talking about that. were not talking about the death penalty as cruel and unusual. it indicated that they were looking at dismemberment for property crimes and things like that as cruel and unusual. while i appreciate supreme court justices coming to the conclusion that society has evolved in such a way that the death penalty is now cruel and unusual, i think that's a little bit of the legal intelligence imposing their own viewpoints. let's let the society the people decide. whether or not we have evol