susanne carella sigra lives in rome with her husband alessio and her son orso maria. [translator] i work because i was brought up to do so. my mother always taught me that independence is a fundamental, even for a woman, so when i finished studying, i started to work immediately. [speaking italian] women now do lots of things. they take responsibility for a lot of things, always according to the family problems that they may have. undoubtedly, women without children get around more easily and get involved in more things. also, they have more time available, and therefore they can produce more and commit themselves to more-- both to their own job and to their different interests. [speaking italian] probably women like that can have a career and have more interesting jobs. but people with children who are tied to the family with one or more child-- they're always limited because they have someone else to think about, another type of duty, and so they can't do more than that. [speaking italian] i work until 2:00 in the afternoon, and then i help my husband, family commit