it will be led by former racing driver and team manager. susie wolfe, 40 percent of those watching formula one are women, but none of the 20 drivers or female fiscal doing reports on the push to change that. oh, macy hitter is going a 120 kilometers per hour, centimeters off the ground. she's only 15 and has spent 7 years practicing racing training weekend after weekend, month after month. and she's faced an additional hurdle when like women come to the track as boys. right. confused, sir. so of why the heck is, is a met by a male dominated score. a lot of them do not want to be in by go say i've had, you know, challenging with hands. i've been taken off of things about hitter a champions. o'connor is hoping to make the jump to cars. she raced in f for car this summer, but her career has stalled and women find it more difficult to find sponsors. a women only series last year ran out of money mid season, but that may be change cape evan, a long time formula. one executive is behind an initiative to figure out what's holding women back with a need to talent spot. there is a very small propor