but before the loan can close, her lender, which is susquehanna bank, must confirm her legal immigration status that process begins with the sba the federal immigration agency which remains open because they're under an exception, stopped receiving requests because they can't get what they need from the sba. which brings to the point that just because a few agencies have been deemed essential under the emergency, doesn't mean by any chance that operations are going smoothly and it is stopping a lot of economic work in our nation. . . the export-import bank is under the wheelhouse of this committee. what about that bank? last year, 88% of export-import bank's transactions were for small businesses totaling $6.1 billion. that bank today is not currently operating. translate that the 16.7 million a day of lost transactions for small businesses all over america. let's take the irs. i promise you this will not be on the favorite list of house republicans to open it up. it's not one of my favorites, agencies either. however, many small mortgage lenders and real estate agencies are in danger of