after tourinthe facility, mayor suthers ankethe congressman and senator for acting as watchdogs to make su ve here in colorado springs are getting the best possible heath care. claims by the veterans administrati that the scheduling proems are now undentrol becaus said is still receiving lots complaints. one of the problems seems be an antiqted comper hedulingystem. senator bennet said out-dated computers a problem ss the federal vernment. nste of beinable to go back, take out the old dos based ftware, put aew version oft, they're wring ather layer on top of it, which sometimes has to do with budget consaints, sometimes it hato do with inadequate training. but the federal vernme in general is horrible it." since the scheduling proems have come to light, a new lead team is n in ple and the membs of thecoloradoation arasking fomonthly reports by the v-a on proess about timely appoinents for v meanwhile, congressm lamborn said he is speaking th the leadership of the housva committo schedule more hearin. develongonight. closinguments are pected monday in the trial of the lomont woman--harge