actually signed in november 2019, they tried to say that between the main land of azerbaijan and nahd suvan, which is separated through armenia a corridor should be formed and, in fact , they should support and protect this corridor in a military manner for days, that is, to a view of the view. legally, the role of monitoring and control should be the responsibility of the leaders, and in that school, with the opposition of mr. pashnian , the prime minister of armenia, the word "corridor " was not included in paragraph 9, and instead the discussion of communication lines was brought up, which communication lines are actually the same as normal roads. while when the discussion of the corridor is brought up in the legal sense of the word, i.e. the discussion of control or lack of control of the host government, the discussion is actually a kind of dirt and manipulation. well, in that school, the corridor discussion did not go forward , but after 2 years, when the war in ukraine actually started. in the last two years, because of the geopolitical blockade against russia in some areas like the