suzanne dumont. marilyn cone. sandy weil. >> you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. three sunshine ordinance violates in -- violations have proved positive in his desire to deceive the public whenever he can. he should look at the violations if you have it. i want to say the whole park thing, what a joke. let's have some real management. beyond deception, heavy metal late -- heavy-metal lead paint contamination, even after park advocates told him again and again it was there. proposal after proposal that he ignores and says he will protect the environment, but then it ignores the environment in the community. this is not revitalization. you do not want to be part of this. this is wholesale privatization for political gain. fire him. >> president chiu and commissioners, my name is oscar frick. i am opposed to continuing him as general manager. he proposed increasing the soccer field at the west and edge of the golden gate park. the mcclellan family built t