>> i do not know but suzanne lancaster. she might know. from the mta. >> just generally, if you talk to mission zero bike safety spot claimant. either just give us some sense of whether the high injury core doors of the plan for? >> hi. i'm suzanne wang from sf mta finance and information technology division. i'm not able to answer those questions just yet because we haven't selected the locations for the projects. basically, this is our last dollar that we let you get almost flexible dollar and would like to see what we can find with grants and other funding sources before we come to this. in terms of the high injury network locations i think that the mta will be working with other departments to see we can collaborate and save money where a lot of the injuries happened. the high injury network, i think, 4% of our street have 60% of the bicycle injuries. so, they'll be focused on that. today is your question? >> yes. thank you so much >> colleagues, any further questions? at this point will open up to public comment. anybody wish to comme