[applause] >> hello, ibm suzanne morgan. i would program at an elementary school.ave been a teacher for four years, and this is the fourth year i have received a layoff notice. the reason i became an art teacher was because of the teachers who inspired me the most, our teachers. i was always ok in most subjects, but in art, i excellus. it was the one class in school i always vote good at. the goal is to have students who are joyful learners. we want students to have a joy for learning and have a multifaceted education, and every year, the scene to be focusing less on a joyful lerner and more on standardized test scores. as i said, i work in the star schools. there are students who may not have the same access to the arts as other schools. i am their access to bards. i am their creative outlet. i am their right to have the same opportunities as every other child. the arts are a vital part of so many lives and help so many children identify with the world around them. whether they paid, they dance, or they played guitar, art becomes a part of the child, and they need