. >> reporter: a bombshell development in the mysterious murder case of colorado mother suzanne morphewr years after she vanished. >> might be the most shocking thing to date in this case. >> reporter: a new toxicology report concluding suzanne's death was a homicide and finding a chemical cocktail consistent with an animal tranquilizer in her bones. >> the ultimate manner or cause of death is unspecified, but this is giving us more answers to the questions we've long had. >> reporter: for years, the case, topping headlines and captivating the public. >> a twist in the case of a missing colorado mom. >> new developments tonight in the disappearance of that colorado mom. >> reporter: her husband, barrymorebarry morphew, initially charged with first-degree murder and evidence tampering. he spoke exclusively to abc news with his daughters macy and mallory by his side, maintaining his innocence, claiming his life has been ruined by false accusations. did you have anything to do with the disappearance of your wife? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: you never had a shred of doubt once you heard