. >> suzanne patles was sleeping in the woods nearby. she did the first thing you'd expect the de-facto spokesperson for the warrior society to do, she logged on to facebook. >> get your guns off me this is a phone. hey this is a phone. i have no gun. >> i sent out a message and i said, everybody's always said to let them know when (bleep) gets real, and i said, how much more real can this get when there's guns drawn on you first thing in the morning when you wake up. >> eight rcmps jumped me and they were bashing me with their boots until they knocked me out. it took a lot of shots to knock me out but i was hanked up and on the ground. >> suzanne was in a car trying to upload a second video when the rcmp arrested her too. >> all i see was one officer like go to (gesturing) throw his assault rifle like towards the windshield and i went to put my head down like that and it went through the windshield and it hit the top of my head and at that moment i was pulled out of the car and hit several more times with the assault rifle in the head.