and so we ended up with about an 8 inch concrete interior walls gave interior designer suzanne tucker a blank canvas.we were trying to create an aged feeling to the house we didn't want you to walk in and say oh what a lovely new way to get that look..."age" the walls.these are plaster walls and they are venetian plaster and they're called marmarino and what they have in them is marble dust, grounded marble dust.suzanne says you can achieve the same effect at home without splurging on the expensive plaster.take an under coat of a soft creamy color for example a yellow to get a richer color like that and some cheese cloth and you can simply sponge it on take it off use some cheesecloth that will take off the pigment and you can achieve this sort of effect. a key element in suzanne's designs for this winery home...balancing proportion and scale, especially in rooms with high ceilings.that meant adding a tall fireplace where none existed before.that carries your eye up along with the bookcases but then your eye comes back down and you notice the furniture the elements around so