thundered through the courts as some people would say, standing bear and his interpreter, a woman named suzette la flesh, her indian name was bright eyes, did along with thomas tibbles, who later married bright eyes, traveled cross the country in kind of a -- it was a fund-raising thing really. they would speak at all these audiences, they would charge admission, they would raise money to try to hire lawyers to try to make this decision affect a lot more than just the small group it affected. to try to change laws for native american rights. there were several -- the poet longfellow became a follower and sympathizer and in fact he aid in his famous poem "hiawatha," the female character, he said when he saw bright eyes, i -- he said i see nute i ha ha, the -- minniehaha, the representation of the perp in his famous poem. the so the end result ironically was the severalti act, well tensioned, it was a senator who created this bill. it was intended to provide citizenship for native americans and they were to be given, each would be given 160 acres and if they proved that they had worked it and everyt