and there are hundreds of thousands of other suzy claytons out there. premiums are pretty affordable. well, the critics said all right, we'll concede that more people are getting covered, we'll concede that they are using the care, we'll concede that the premiums are affordable, in part because you're spending all of this money on premium assistance, but you're going to just start spiraling health care costs. well, that didn't come true either. with april's updated c.b.o. projections, spending on major federal health care programs, medicare, medicaid and the a.c.a. subsidies, has now been revised down wrda by $900 billion. that's .5% of g.d.p. since the 2011 projections. so in three years, c.b.o. has pushed down its projections of ten-year spending by $900 billion. here is an even more stunning way to think about this. if you look at what c.b.o. said we were going to spend on a per-medicare recipient basis in 2010 versus what they now say that we are going to spend on that recipient today over the next ten years, that per-medicare recipient spending lev