. >> we've been joined by the officer hicks and joe marshall is in route i'm suzy loftus i'm a former prosecutor here in san francisco a native san franciscans and currently work the california duff's and raising my 3 little girls not outer suspect you may see a redhead popping up later. >> the first is the consent calendar will be taken off calendar line item 2 reports to the city commission and 2a chefs report. >> chief suhr. >> good evening commissioner public a pleasure to be here before becoming a police officer had this was my place i was a delivery guy for a food services running groceries around the neighborhood i'll take to the grave everything i've done at the fire station i have reports to be brief although it is important there are event paramount in late january when meeting with director hicks of ocii it was discovered there were 3 unidentified members felt police commission that were challenging rational homophobic slurs no mr. that has been convicted in federal court and is awaiting sentence awaiting to be turned in to federal custody in decisions with director hicks t