vadzіtsel of the passenger car, crumbling on the outer rings of the mkt from the side svislatskaya, in right direction, stopped in the direction of the truck, which was driving forward in the direction of the rescue. the passenger of the car is in danger of an accident and may suffer various injuries. over the month, the emergency was given to the health authorities for examination. pa faktse zdarennya pravodzіtstsa praverka. yes, it is not necessary to try the unsafe aleglas molasses so that the tarmazhenne can be drained in due time. i control. for the safety of young pedestrians, there are effective ways to learn how to practice the correct steps on travel parts, interactive actions , inspectors of law, tax administration with goals and instructions, inactive work with fathers, menav_ta yana pavinny, remember how to properly pen chat about the two facts, what is the signal for the transfer of money and how important is it for the rukh not to gain money from gadgets? i know what color you can cross the road with, green, because red means that you need to stand, in the dark you defini