one of the opposition parties svoboda has stride to block the publishing of notices papers. but that law gives police the kind of powers they need to dismantle demonstrations so there's a lot of concern here about what that might mean. >> jennifer glasse in kiev forus. thank you, jennifer. >>> fishing boat packed the migrants collapsed in the dark. a patrol boat tried to tow the boat but two and a half kilometers from shore two people dived into the sea sparking a rush whichover turned the bolt. >>> and five days after dozens of migrants rushtd over the border of morocco, 50 people made a go. in a separate incident, 13 migrants tried to reach malea in an inflatable boat. one drown when they jumped into the sea as police intercepted them. >>> the trial of two french football are pro formas accused of paying for sex with an underaged person, he didn't know they were 16 and 17 at the time. real madrid striker credit didn't know either. in this news hour, including new threats against the sochi olympics. and we're in bosnia talking to recent victims of a war that ended nearly 20