made about palestinians, the leveling of the civilian infrastructure, the depopulating of entire. swads of neighborhoods throughout gaza, i mean you see the pushback, you see the protests, do israeli and us authorities really not care how the world uh views them in response, uh, the israelis do not care, and the us is divided, but not for the right reasons and i think what makes this different than the us, all of it imperial escapades, there was pushback on the vietnam war, when there were just few pictures. from the milli massacre from seamore hursh with the this infamous naked girl running down the road when they saw what was going on down there combined with the draft there was a huge anti-vietnam war protest and pushed to end that conflict. this is different because now we're seeing long video of the horrors that are happening to gaza and so lot of the public and even and like we said people started resigning positions um... josh paul resigned from the state department, there is some pushback within the sort of unelected parts of government, but when it comes to the pentagon and whe