her owner - leanne -- who runs a goat sanctuary called "goats of anarchy" - used to swaddle "polly" to try and calm her down. one day she spotted a duck costume and put it on her. polly's anxiety melted and she fell asleep. leanne posted a picture of it online..and polly went viral. leanne has plans to expand her special needs goat sanctuary so she can help save "hundreds of city set up a trail camera in a park after reports of mountain lions in the area. the pictures they got were not what they were looking for -- which wasn't actually a bad thing. the gardner, kansas police department pictures on their facebook page that the trail camera captured. they show people dressed up in animal of the camera. in the end, they did not see any mountain lions, but plenty of pranksters. they say they're trying to identify the activities and wildlife the camera caught. the police say it made their day when all they expected to see when they pulled up the images were pictures of coyotes, foxes, and raccoons. the police department adds that the effort and sense of humor 20 coworkers in tennessee have